"Democracy" and "fan power" have now landed in the UK, specifically in the Blue Square Premier (aka the Conference), where Ebbsfleet FC, not content with changing THE NAME OF THE CLUB to suit sponsors Eurostar, have now
sold a 51% stake to venture capitalist firm myfootballclub.co.uk. Team tactics, starting XI will now be decided etc etc.
The "real-life Championship Manager" model is without doubt a rather cute idea. The terraces have always been a pretty vibrant marketplace of ideas - how wonderful to get all Freakonomics on that shit and have the fans actually call the shots.
Except... the new owners aren't fans. Or rather, they aren't fans of Ebbsfleet FC - they're just fans of a rather cute idea. For example Tom Dear, one of the folk who paid 35 quid for a stake in the club:
“To be honest, I didn’t even know Ebbsfleet existed. I don’t know if it will work, but it will be interesting".
Interesting indeed, great fodder for dinner parties and down the pub. "Yes I'm part of that online club thing. We get to pick the players, it's all very modern and interesting. Rather interestingly, all the players are completely unmotivated, none of the actual fans turn up anymore and the club is facing both relegation and bankruptcy. Still, I reckon I've got my 35 quid's worth."
Of course, the fabled wisdom of crowds could in fact propel Ebbsfleet into the League: time will tell. But Christ, I'm glad it's not my club.